20th European Dependable Computing Conference
8-11 April
Lisbon, Portugal
Student Forum
The EDCC 2025 Student Forum is a vibrant and friendly environment where students can present and discuss their work, and exchange ideas and experiences with other students, researchers and industry. Students are invited to submit papers describing their potential and ongoing research at any stage, from ideas to results. One of the key goals of the Forum is to provide students with feedback on their preliminary results that might help with their future research directions.
Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
- Hardware and software architecture of dependable systems;
- Dependability and security modelling, evaluation, benchmarking, and tools;
- Safety-critical systems design and analysis;
- Artificial Intelligence for dependability and security;
- Fault-tolerant networks, protocols and systems;
- Time-sensitive networks and ultra-reliable low-latency communication;
- Mixed-criticality systems design and evaluation;
- Testing and validation methods;
- Dependability and security of:
- Artificial Intelligence systems;
- Cyber-physical systems, e.g. smart grids, intelligent vehicles, (Industrial) Internet of Things;
- Cloud, fog, and edge computing systems;
- Data analytics application;
- Databases and distributed ledgers (including blockchains);
- Data protection and data privacy;
The first author of the paper must be a student. Submitted papers must be written in English and should conform to the IEEE format (https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html) with a maximum of 4 pages (references included). Student Forum papers will be reviewed by the members of the Student Forum Program Committee. The selection will be based on the following criteria:
- Relevance to the technical content of EDCC 2025
- Originality
- Technical soundness
- Quality and clarity of the written presentation
Students with accepted papers are expected to attend the conference and present the paper.
The Organizing Committee will provide certificates of attendance for students upon request.
Submit your paper by email and in pdf format to the Student Forum Chair, João R. Campos:
jrcampos@dei.uc.pt. Please phrase the subject as: "[EDCC-25]
Forum Submission
Presentation at the Conference
All Student Forum papers will be presented in a dedicated session and after which there is time to discuss details at a poster during coffee-breaks.
Student Forum authors should make a poster of their papers to be presented during the conference. Instructions to Posters' submission are available here.
Publication and Post-Conference
For the first time at EDCC, accepted papers will be included in the conference companion proceedings managed by the Conference Publishing Services (CPS) and submitted to Xplore and the CSDL. Instructions regarding the procedure will be sent to authors of accepted papers in due time.
Important dates
The submission deadline for the Student Forum is purposely set after the Notification deadline of the main track of the conference and Workshops.
This allows revising and resubmitting a rejected paper in the Student Forum track.
Paper Submission | |
Paper notification | Feb 24th, 2025 | |
Camera-ready paper (HARD deadline) | Mar 5th, 2025 | |
Conference | Apr 8th-11th, 2025 |
If you have any questions, please contact the Student Forum Chair by email: jrcampos@dei.uc.pt
Program Committee
Name & Surname | Affiliation |
Elena Troubitsyna | KTH, Sweden |
Felicita Di Giandomenico | Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’Informazione, Italy |
Ilir Gashi | City, University of London, United Kingdom |
Haytham Hijazi | University of Coimbra, Portugal |
Horst Schirmeier | TU Desdren, Germany |
Meera Sridhar | University of North Carolina at Charlotte, United States |
Sara Tucci-Piergiovanni | Universite Paris-Saclay, CEA, France |
Simona Bernardi | Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain |
Vinicius Fulber Garcia | Federal University of Parana, Brazil |