20th European Dependable Computing Conference
8-11 April 2025
Lisbon, Portugal

Call for Sponsorships

Besides regular participation in the conference, EDCC2025 offers sponsorship options for companies and organisations interested in increasing their visibility and networking opportunities.

We provide two sponsorship options, as detailed in the following table.

Sponsorship type Gold Silver
Cost 1200 600€
Company name and logo on the web page of the event X X
Special mention in the opening ceremony of the conference X
Company marketing material in the participant bag X X
One conference registration (regular fee) X
Access to the list of participants (who authorised their inclusion in this list) X X
Exhibition of company booth at the conference venue X

We are also open to customised sponsorship possibilities.

To apply for a sponsorship option, propose a customised sponsorship or inquire about sponsorship possibilities, please send an email to: ivmedeiros@fc.ul.pt